How to deal with ticks on a dog 

How to get rid of ticks on dogs? Learn here how to spot and remove ticks correctly to keep your dog protected from harm and tick-borne infections!

How to deal with ticks on a dog


Your dog is an extension of your family, so naturally, safety comes first. Ticks are a common health concern, especially with the global increase of tick-borne diseases.

You may not realise it, but ticks pose a considerable threat to your dog regardless of whether or not your dog is outdoors.

What’s worse? If untreated, ticks can make their way into your home, by latching on to your dog, you and your family. Knowing how to spot these parasites, where they flourish, and how to remove and prevent them is crucial to help keep your dog healthy


Ticks can be found in grass, shrubs, and bushes, as well as buildings, kennels and shelters. They just sit and wait to catch a ride on a warm, passing body. Anytime your dog goes out into the world, even for a short walk, a play date at the local park, a trip to the groomer, a ride in the car or a weekend at the kennel, he or she is being exposed to the chance these parasites will hop aboard. Before the ticks bite, they spit out a local anesthetic that numbs the area. Once they latch on, they can stay and may secretly feed on the victim’s blood for up to five days.


Ticks can be found all year, although they are most numerous and active during the spring and autumn months. Climate and lifestyle changes help ticks expand their territories and spread to new areas. Outdoor parasites can be active even in cold months. Because of the long tick season, there is potentially a year-round risk for parasites, and this increases the risk of your dog catching a disease transmitted by these pests.


Ticks can transmit serious diseases like Lyme disease, Ehrlichiosis and Babesiosis. The blood feeding activities of ticks can even cause anaemia.


Ticks attach to their host and take a blood meal for hours and sometimes days so you may find an attached tick with its mouth burrowed into your dog’s skin. These can look like small to medium sized lumps on the skin surface, and the presence of 6 to 8 short legs on the lump is a clear indication of a tick. Juvenile ticks can be very tiny and hard to see.


Ticks may latch onto you or your dog no matter how careful you are, because they are exceptionally well adapted to hiding in the environment, detecting approaching hosts and hitching a ride. Reduce the risk of tick attacks by avoiding areas with long grass, the edge of the forest, and shrubs—of course, these are areas dogs love to explore.

If there are ticks in the area around your home, create barriers by cutting bands of vegetation between your lawn and surrounding natural areas, or use mulch and wood chips a few feet wide to create vegetation-free bands.

Always check your dog and yourself for ticks when you return from areas where you may have been exposed, and dress appropriately, wearing long pants and boots if possible. Light coloured clothing can make it easier for you to see crawling ticks.


When examining your dog, it’s important to remember that ticks can be as small as pencil points or as large as beans when engorged with blood. Ticks like to hide in warm, protected spots so carefully look under your dog’s front legs, inside the ears, between the toes, and around the chin and face. If you find a tick crawling on the coat, that is not attached, then brush or pick it off and safely dispose of it.

How do I remove a tick?

It is important to remove ticks correctly. There are adapted tweezers and tick lifting devices that can be very helpful. You may want to ask your vet to help you, especially if you find multiple ticks on your dog.

If you plan to remove the tick yourself ideally get a vet to show you how. For hygiene, wear thin protective gloves before you start. The use of a tick hook, designed for the purpose, is the easiest way to grasp around the feeding head of the tick. Rotating the device in situ should then persuade the tick to dislodge in one piece including its mouthparts without damaging it.

Feeding ticks insert their mouthparts into the skin, and removal of these along with the rest of the tick will help the attachment site heal quickly. After removing the tick, keep it sealed tightly in a jar, with clear alcohol or clear hand disinfectant and if concerned, take it to your vet to ask whether or not your dog was exposed to any potential diseases.

Remaining calm and positive is important. This, in conjunction with a little TLC, will have your dog feeling good as new before you know it!

Ticks may seem incredibly disgusting, sneaky and resilient,
but they are not invincible.
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